Он родился 13 (26 по новому стилю) февраля 1918 года в простой крестьянской хате в деревне Ширки Сенненского уезда в эпоху безвременья, революции, Гражданской войны. Безвременье, пожалуй, в данном случае было даже не метафорическим, а вполне реальным - ося …
Thomas C OWEN. Capitalism and Politics in Russia. A Social History of the Moscow Merchants. 1855 - 1905. Cambridge University Press. 1981. XI.+ 295 p.
THOMAS S. OWEN. Capitalism and politics in Russia. Social history of the Moscow merchant class. 1855 - 19 …
On October 5-9, 1984, Leningrad hosted meetings of the members of the Organizing Bureau for Constitutionalization (within the framework of the IKIN) of the International Commission on the History of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Present were: fro …
"Мы – белорусы", который рассказывает о нас и о непростом пути, который прошла страна. Накануне вышла серия о том, как молодая республика выстраивала политические диалоги и заявляла о себе на международной арене. В этом выпуске авторы вспомнят, какой ценой …
By the 80th anniversary of the revolution of 1905-1907 , on the threshold of the Russian revolution of 1905-1907, when the "lower classes did not want" and the "upper classes could not" "live in the old way"1 , the opposition and liberals noticeably increa …
Stories about the events of the "Time of Troubles" for many decades were the favorite reading of Russian people. In the 17th century and in the next century, they continued to be rewritten both in Moscow and on the periphery. Some works have come down to u …
Олег Николаевич Гуров Кандидат философских наук, МБАДоцент философского факультета ГАУГННаучный сотрудник Центра искусственного интеллекта МГИМОgurov-on@ranepa.ru
Towards the XXVII Congress of the CPSU
The documents of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government repeatedly noted the urgency of combating drunkenness, which is a serious social problem. To combat this ugly phenomenon, the XXVI Party Congress said, " …
At all stages of socialist construction, the Communist Party and the Soviet State took special care to create a skilled labor force, which differs from the unskilled in that it "received training and skills in a certain branch of labor"1 . The peculiarity …
To the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement
Half a century separates us from the momentous year of 1935, the middle year of the second five-year plan, the year of the birth of the Stakhanov movement. Relying on the built foundation of the socialist e …
Russia had long-standing strong cultural ties with many countries, primarily with European ones. The capitalist world, which met the birth of the socialist state with extreme hostility, tried to eliminate it by military intervention, economic blockade and …
Умейте отпечатки ящеров будущего Раскалывать в слов камнеломне И по костям Строить целый костяк. Велимир Хлебников. В начале этой небольшой работы, позвольте напомни …
The culture of the three fraternal peoples-Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian-developed on the basis of the achievements of the culture of the Ancient Russian state. Its vivid manifestation, original monuments of writing, social thought and sources were the …
For almost two centuries, the literary and historical reminiscences of "Words about Igor's Regiment" attract research. Now many difficult passages of the text have been deciphered and explained, the journalistic orientation of the work has been revealed, t …
Kitezh-a city that disappeared from the face of the earth, undefeated and mysterious, opening its gates to the righteous and calling to the truth - has been featured in oral folk art, scientific research, literature and art for many centuries. For a number …
Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1984. 277 p.
Extensive literature is devoted to the study of the socio-political history, state system, and social thought of Russia in the 16th century, especially during the reign of Ivan IV. Nevertheless, it is necessary to state the …
Minsk. Science and technology. 1984. 400 p.
Soviet historiography was supplemented with a generalizing study of one of the detachments of the working class of the USSR. The publication of the peer-reviewed volume 1 meets the urgent scientific and political …
Collection of documents and materials. Perm Book Publishing House. 1984. 340 p.
The collection reveals the history of the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI) - the only specialized university in the country for archival and document stud …
By the 80th anniversary of the 1905 - 19071905-1907 revolution in Russia-had a major impact on the workers ' liberation movement around the world. For the first time, the proletariat emerged as an independent political and ideological force capable of exer …
Белоруссия готовится к празднику. Шестьдесят лет назад, 3 июля 1944 года, Красная Армия выбила из Минска гитлеровские войска. Этот день был провозглашен Днем освобождения республики от немецко-фашистских захватчиков. По воле народа, высказанной на референд …
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