Libmonster ID: MD-1377
Author(s) of the publication: L. P. PETROVSKY

The accelerating pace of development of historical science requires the creation of various types and types of reference books to the documents of Soviet archives, and above all on the most relevant topics. One of them is the Decembrist movement.

Three general indexes on the history of the Decembrist movement, including more than 12 thousand bibliographic items, indicate a growing interest in it in our country and abroad .1 The bibliographies also take into account the reference literature on documents from archives, museums, and manuscript departments of libraries, but the success achieved in identifying and using documents about the Decembrists does not exhaust the richness, far from fully revealing their composition and content. Further work in this direction focuses on the creation of new reference books for archival materials that are distributed in many repositories, and within them in numerous collections and collections. In these circumstances, it is obvious that there is a need to increase the role of reference manuals that help you navigate the available archival documentation more fully, accurately and quickly. To outline the further development of such information, it is necessary to sum up certain results that have already been created.

Since the Decembrist uprising, a system of reference manuals, both published and unpublished, has gradually developed. It seems appropriate to analyze the most important of these existing and functioning thematic reference manuals, which are available in the system of the scientific reference apparatus (NSA) for documents of the State Archival Fund of the USSR.

The need for a reference device appeared even in the records management of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Criminal Court (1825-1826), as well as when using the act material of other institutions related to the suppression of the uprising and subsequent repression. When combining documents into cases, tables of contents and internal inventories were immediately compiled. Cases numbered in sheets were organized by departments, and inside them by sections, subsections and received headings, as well as ordinal numbers, and the deadline dates of documents were placed on the cover. Sometimes the files contained alphabetical lists of the persons mentioned in the case.

Among the individual links of the reference apparatus created in the pre-revolutionary period, especially important are the inventories for the cases of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Criminal Court, as well as the well-known "Alphabet of the Decembrists", compiled by order of Nicholas I. In the fund of the Office of the Duty General of the General Staff in the Central Military Academy of the USSR there is an "Inventory of the cases of the commission of inquiry on joint-stock companies, which was established on the 17th day of December 1825"2 . The inventory consists of 23 sheets filled in on both sides, has a table of contents, where all cases are divided into four sections: general, private, economic and special. Judging by the documents, its compilation was accompanied by the registration and systematization of 330 storage units, which took tsarist officials more than a year.

1 Chentsov N. M. The Decembrist Uprising. Bibliografiya. Moscow-L. 1929; Eimontova R. G. Dvizhenie dekabristov [The Decembrist Movement]. Index of Literature 1928-1959, Moscow, 1960; ee same. The Decembrist movement. Index of Literature 1960-1976, Moscow, 1983.

2 TSVIA of the USSR, f. 36, op. 5/848, St. 33, 63 (Case against the Minister of War on the closure of the investigative commission on criminal societies. Started March 12, 1827-ended April 26, 1828), ll. 30-53ob. The inventory was apparently drawn up in two copies, one remained in the named office, and the other was located together with the cases of the investigative commission, reunited with the cases of the Supreme Court, which had a separate inventory. Later, two inventories accompanying the cases of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Court during the transportation of cases from St. Petersburg to Moscow disappeared, which caused the need to draw up a new inventory at the beginning of the XX century, which combined the cases of the commission and the court.

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Another important part of the reference book is The Alphabet of the Decembrists, published in 1925 in the series The Decembrist Uprising3 . The directory was compiled by the head of the affairs of the Investigative Commission A. D. Borovkov with the help of other employees of the commission. The Alphabet manuscript did not contain any references to investigative cases and was not so much an archive as a biographical reference book. However, each reference included in the "Alphabet" was a reflection of judicial and investigative documents on a particular person, which helped the tsarist authorities to navigate in the documents of the Investigative Commission, the Supreme Court and other documentation related to the Decembrists.

Currently, copies of the Alphabet have been identified in three archives. The Central State Academic Library of the USSR keeps the "Alphabet" for 579 persons, compiled in 1827 (831 sheets and 14 sheets of the alphabetical index to the text) .4 In the Central State Educational Institution of the USSR - the "Alphabet", which includes 121 persons (members of the Northern, Southern societies and the Society of the United Slavs)5 . This directory was compiled before the establishment of the Supreme Criminal Court in 1826, and its text does not contain data on the verdict. The Central State Duma of the USSR keeps an "Alphabetical List" of the Decembrists (March 1827) in 5 parts with information about the activities of 92 individuals, their confrontations during the investigation, and 6 punishments. The list contains pencil marks, additions, corrections, and notes by A. D. Borovkov7 .

The Central State Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the USSR has another reference book, which is known as the inventory of N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky 8 . The inventory took more than three years to prepare (1900-September 1903). Its volume is 44 sheets filled in on both sides. It includes a table of contents, a table of receipt of cases in archive 9, inventories of Masonic books and manuscripts, notes on missing cases and their search, records of checking the availability and transfer of cases to other archives. The inventory shows how the complex of cases included in it developed 10 .

A new stage in the development of the scientific reference apparatus for documents on the history of the Decembrists, which began in 1917, can be divided into three periods. The first (1917 - the end of the 1920s) covers the period of preparation and holding of the 100th anniversary of the uprising, when a number of reference books to documents about the Decembrists appeared in archives, museums and libraries. Attempts were made to create

3 The Decembrist Uprising. Materials. Cases of the Investigative Commission on Joint-stock companies. Vol. VIII. Alphabet of the Decembrists. Edited and annotated by B. L. Modzalevsky and A. A. Sivers. L. 1925. The second revised and expanded edition of the Alphabet has now been prepared.

4 TsGAOR USSR, f. 48, op. 1, 332a.

5 TSGVIA USSR, f. 35, op. 9, d. 104, ll. 95-197.

6 TsGIA USSR, f. 1101, op. 1, d. 409, 95 l.; d. 410, 65 l.; d. 411, 86 l.; d. 412, 56 l.; d. 413, 51 l. There is a draft of A. I. Tatishchev's relation to I. I. Dibich, dated January 30, 1827, in the Central State Academic Administration of the USSR, which states:: "The draft Alphabet, which was used by the investigative Commission, was destroyed" (TsGAOR USSR, f. 48, op. 1, d. 28, l. 5ob.). The "Alphabetical List" preserved in the Central State Library of the USSR is revealed in the collection "Documents of personal origin that do not make up personal funds" (f. 1101).

7 This" Alphabetical List "apparently predates the compilation of the "Alphabet" for 579 persons (TSAOR USSR).

8 Compiled by N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky "inventory is the first work of a historian about the Decembrists "(Nevelev G. A. N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky-historian of the Decembrists. In: The Liberation Movement in Russia. Interuniversity scientific collection. Issue I. Saratov. 1971, p. 54).

9 The table entitled "Cases of indignation on December 14, 1825" shows that the complex of cases of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Court included in the inventory was formed during 1828-1902. The table contains information about the order of receipt of cases in the archive, the main collections, the time and reasons for transferring cases, their original location, packaging method, case numbers and their distribution according to the inventory, etc.

10 The set of cases includes the following collections with an indication of the time of their receipt in the archive: cases of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Court (361 and 71 cases were compiled, 1828), Polish secret societies (4-part case, 1829), papers of the commandant of the Peter and Paul Fortress A. A. Sukin (3-part case, 1837), papers from the secret archive of the Ministry of War (6 cases, 1864), "Alphabet of the Decembrists", handwritten and printed lists from the Ministry of War (case of 1864), papers of I. I. Dibich - Zabalkansky (case of 1880) and correspondence of the investigative committee in the Kingdom of Poland (two cases, 1902).

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scientific reference device of a complex type. B. L. Modzalevsky, A. A. Shilov, Yu. G. Oxman, B. E. Syroechkovsky, N. M. Druzhinin, M. V. Nechkina and other specialists who wrote a number of studies and contributed to the improvement of the scientific reference apparatus were working on documents on the history of the Decembrists."Alphabet of the Decembrists"". They also compiled a large personal index, which was included in the publication and contained detailed biographical information about each person12 .

The most important work of the 1920s was the work of B. S. Pushkin13, which was then called "Description of the cases of the highly established Commission and the Supreme Criminal Court on the Decembrists". It is a volume of 526 typewritten pages and a personal index of more than 1,700 individuals (another 82 pages). The work was carried out in July 1924-1929 and was aimed at providing information on all "without exception valuable documents for research work", as well as"giving topographical and sheet-based instructions to the persons mentioned in the documents" 14 (38 thousand sheets of investigative and judicial materials were worked out). Archivist A. O. Krugly, who studied and translated documents written in foreign languages, participated in the work. In 1927, B. E. Syroechkovsky, giving a review of the work of B. S. Pushkin to the editorial and publishing department of the Central Archive, admitted that this is "very painstaking" work, which is "much more difficult than a sheet inventory" or compiling a bibliography .15
B. S. Pushkin's" Description " provides information about many documents from 508 cases (757 actual storage units, because a number of cases are in several parts). Of the 508 cases, B. S. Pushkin described 485. He believed that other documents published by the Central Archive might not be described, since in the multi-volume edition "The Decembrist Uprising" they were preceded by detailed source studies and accompanied by comments and notes. In the preface to the "Description", B. S. Pushkin described the composition of the "Investigative Case about the Decembrists", outlined the history of its origin, formation, indicated storage locations, explained the construction of a reference device, a personal index, the reasons for the new description of documents, methods of such description, and a number of other information. in the main part of the handbook, which allowed it to provide significant information about documents in an extremely concise form16 . The reference book of B. S. Pushkin, which has a number of advantages, cannot, however, replace the inventory of N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky, which is more convenient for general orientation in primary cases, in the structure of office work, etc.Reference books, complementing each other, reveal different aspects of materials.

Back in November 1922, the Centralarchiv decided by the Commission for the publication of archival documents.

11 Two attempts to publish the Alphabet date back to 1900-1907: the first was made by N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky, the second by P. E. Shchegolev. Tsarist censorship and repressions against Shchegolev did not allow this plan to be carried out at that time.

12 B. L. Modzalevsky and A. A. Sivers already in 1917 began to prepare an edition of the Alphabet of the Decembrists. Their attempt ended in failure. In 1918, they wrote a preface to the text of the Alphabet, which was submitted with additions to the Ogni publishing house in Petrograd. In 1919, the publication of this most valuable source was approached, but military events apparently prevented it. So far, only a small part of the work has been found, including proofs of the preface and title page.

13 The biography of Boris Sergeyevich Pushkin (1879-1939) has not yet attracted the attention of researchers. It is known that he conducted a large source and literary activity, created a number of valuable guidebooks, indexes and reviews of archival materials.

14 See the "Preface" to the reference book of B. S. Pushkin (Moscow, 1929, has no pagination).

15 It was about the bibliographic work of N. M. Chentsov "The Decembrist Uprising" (TsGAOR USSR, f. 5325, op. 9, d. 1521, l. 12).

16 The purpose of this paper is not to explore the methods of describing a particular reference book. Considering all types of NSA - inventories, catalogues, guidebooks, indexes, reviews and comprehensive reference books-as traditional archival reference books, the author conditionally refers the work of B. S. Pushkin to the latter. Each case that is described actually provides a brief overview of the documents in its directory. The name index refers to an overview text, but some of it refers directly to cases. The latter method of description allows us to recognize the reference book as a complex one: it includes different types of two types of NSA.

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He considered it expedient to prepare for publication an inventory of all cases and documents related to the Decembrist uprising for the upcoming anniversary of the Decembrists17 . However, the work was soon stopped. The Commission's Protocol No. 11 of May 18, 1925 states:: "The Commission rejected the proposed initial edition of the descriptions of the Decembrist cases, as well as the index to it." 18 The reason for this was the lack of funds and the extremely long description and identification of materials, especially in the archives of Moscow 19 .

In the mid-1920s, source studies and information - search reviews by P. G. Vasenko, N. V. Izmailov, B. L. Modzalevsky, and Yu. G. Oxman appeared, containing valuable information about documents and materials related to the Decembrists stored in the manuscript department of the Library of the Academy of Sciences and Pushkin House 20 .

The second period of development of the scientific reference apparatus on the Decembrist theme - 1930s-mid-1950s 21 . The focus of archives at this time on" continuous identification " led to a sharp reduction in work on the most important topics, including the creation of a scientific reference apparatus .22 Among the works of this period, the reviews of the Manuscripts Department of the V. I. Lenin State Library of the USSR (GBL)retain their significance 23 .

During the Great Patriotic War, no work on reference books on the Decembrist theme was carried out, and only in December 1945, at a solemn meeting at the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising, attention was again drawn to the importance of preparing and publishing archival reference books. The resolution adopted at the meeting stated: "To recognize it as extremely necessary to print the inventories for the investigative committee and the Supreme Court compiled by N. P. Pavlov-Silvansky and B. S. Pushkin, as well as to compile and publish the history of the Decembrist foundation itself." 24 A valuable work of that period is the review by T. G. Snytko25, which covers the following materials:

17 General management of the work was entrusted to M. N. Pokrovsky (TsGAOR of the USSR, f. 5325, op. 9, d. 503, l. 5). On November 4, 1924, at a meeting of the commission, it was decided to include in the inventory materials not only from the state archives of the USSR, but also from other repositories and even foreign diplomatic archives (ibid. same, l. 2ob.).

18 TsGAOR USSR, f. 5321, op. 9, d. 981, l. 77.

19 Ibid. The only published "Inventory of cases about the Decembrists" was compiled by B. G. Kubalov inventory of cases analyzed, systematized and formed by him, which remained after the fire of 1879 in Irkutsk from the archives of the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia and the Nerchinsk penal servitude. Together with a small review of sources, it was published in the collection: Siberia and the Decembrists. Articles, materials, unpublished letters, bibliography. Irkutsk. 1925, pp. 185-207.

20 Vasenko P. G., Izmailov N. V. Reviews of materials about the Decembrists stored in the USSR Academy of Sciences. In the collection: In Memory of the Decembrists, vol. 3. L. 1926; Vasenko P. G. Rukisnoe otdelenie. - Ibid.; Izmailov N. V. Pushkin House. - Ibid.; Modzalevsky B. L. On the history of the "Green Lamp". In: Dekabristy i ikh vremya [The Decembrists and Their Time], vol. 1, Moscow, 1928. Uprising of the Chernihiv regiment (New materials). In: The Decembrists. Unpublished materials and articles. Proceedings of the Pushkin House at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1925.

21 At the beginning of this period, articles by B. S. Pushkin "The Arrest of the Decembrists" and E. N. Shchepkina "Extracts from materials on the landlord economy of the Decembrists" appeared, which can be attributed to thematic reviews (see The Decembrists and Their Time, Vol. II, Moscow, 1932). These articles can serve for research, development and reconciliation of relevant information about the Decembrists; they may well be included in archival reference books.

22 For more information about "continuous identification", see: Mityaev K. G. Teoriya i praktika archivnogo dela [Theory and Practice of Archival Affairs], Moscow, 1946, p.196.

23 See reviews of archival materials of the Ivashovs, Naryshkins, Konovnitsyns, and Shakhovskys, as well as a review of visual materials related to the Decembrists, in the collection: Notes of the Department of Manuscripts of the V. I. Lenin All-Union Library. Issue III. Decembrists, Moscow, 1939. The author of the last review was M. Y. Baranovskaya, the rest were published without a signature. Presumably, they belong to the pen of A. A. Etingof, who at that time described and funded these documents and materials.

24 Voprosy istorii, 1946, N 4, pp. 149-151.

25 Snytko T. G. Unpublished materials on the history of the Decembrist movement. - Ibid., 1950, N 12. About T. G. Snytko (1903-1968), see the preface to the book: Snytko T. G. Russkoe narodnichestvo i polskoe obshchestvennoe dvizhenie 1865-1881 gg. Moscow, 1969.

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30 archival funds and collections. The author noted that by 1950, only 10% of the documents of the Central State Academic Administration of the USSR (at that time the Central State Academic Institute in Moscow) were published. Following the work of T. G. Snytko, reviews of V. V. Danilov, A. Y. Weiss, M. I. Gantaeva, L. M. Ivanova, S. V. Zhytomyr, E. P. Fedoseyeva and other works appeared that can be attributed to reference books on sources on the history of the Decembrist movement. They covered the materials of the State Library of the USSR, the Manuscript Department of the Pushkin House, the Hermitage, and the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Public Library .26
In the third period, from the second half of the 1950s, intensive work was carried out on reference books related to the approaching 150th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising. Two reference books "The Decembrist Movement and Secret Societies in Russia of the first quarter of the XIX century" (M. 1972, manuscript) and "The Decembrist Movement" (M. 1975)were prepared in the Central State Educational Institution of the USSR . In essence, these are complex thematic reference books, which include two main parts: a brief description (review) of documents on the topic (refers the researcher to more than 800 cases and documents) and a personal index (in the first reference book for 3600, in the second - for more than 2800 persons). Reference books differ from each other in terms of the richness of information and how it is presented, the volume and subject matter of prefaces, and the construction of auxiliary indexes. The first of them has a volume of about 50 printed sheets, the second-34 sheets. In 1981, the handbook " The Decembrist Movement. Annotated index to the documents of the funds and collections of the Central State Institute of Fine Arts of the USSR", prepared by A. L. Vainshtein and V. P. Pavlova. The reference books of the Central State Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR and the Central State Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR include lists of funds and collections that contain materials about the Decembrists.

The reference books of the Central State Archive of the USSR of 1972 and 1975 reflect the sources on the Decembrist theme identified in 55 and 60 collections (respectively), and the reference book of the Central State Archive of the USSR-in 82 countries . The reference books of the Central State Educational Institution of the USSR and the Central State Educational Institution of the USSR are opened with prefaces. The preface to the reference books of the Central State Archive of the USSR explains the choice of the type of reference book, its structure, the principles of selecting personalities and biographical data for them, and the features of constructing a brief description of the Decembrist archive documents. The preface to the reference book of the Central State Institute of the Ussr provides a brief description of the most important collections in which documents on the topic are identified, as well as the content of three sections of the reference book-ways to describe documents, techniques and the sequence of materials arrangement.

In the reference book by A. L. Weinstein and V. P. Pavlova, the first section consists of five subsections. In the first four thematic subsections, 140 descriptions are given, arranged according to the chronological principle; the fifth is the name part, which records the documents of 184 personalities. Dates, varieties, and races are taken into account-

26 Danilov V. V. Decembrist materials in the Manuscript Department of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In: Dekabristy i ikh vremya [The Decembrists and Their Time], Moscow, L. 1951; Vays A. Yu., Gantaeva M. I. Decembrist Fund of Fine Materials stored in the Museum of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. - Ibid.; Ivanova L. M. Batenkov Foundation. - Notes of the Department of Manuscripts of the State Library of the USSR, Moscow, 1952, vol. 13; Zhytomyr S. V. Archive of the Fonvizins. - Ibid., 1952, vol. 14; Fedoseeva E. P. Description of handwritten materials on the history of the Decembrist movement. - Proceedings of the Department of Manuscripts of the Saltykov-Shchedrin State Library, L. 1954; Nikulina N. Materials on the History of the Decembrist movement. - Communications of the State Hermitage Museum, L. 1955, issue 8.

27 The intraarchive directory of 1972 served as the basis for the one published in 1975, but since a large reduction was carried out, and on the other hand, the saturation of the directory in certain areas with new information continued, the form of its submission changed, etc., the intraarchive directory continued to be used in the reading room and library of the archive (see: The Decembrist Movement and secret societies in Russia of the first quarter of the XIX century. Personal index to the documentary materials of the Central State Educational Institution of the USSR. Edited by I. G. Tishina, ed. Comp. by L. P. Petrovsky. Vols. 1-4. Moscow, 1972; Movement of the Decembrists. Personal index to the documents of the funds and collections of the Central State Educational Institution of the USSR. Edited by I. G. Tishina, ed. Comp. by L. P. Petrovsky. Issue 1-3, Moscow, 1975).

28 The materials identified in the Central State Archive of the USSR for the 5th, additional internal archive directory showed that the range of funds and collections increased again and reached 70. Apparently, both in the Central State Library of the USSR and in the Central State Library of the USSR, with further identification of materials, a new increase in the number of such funds and collections may occur.

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the content, authenticity, or copy of the documents is revealed, and then search data follows. The second and third sections contain more than 150 descriptions of various documents. Here, as in the first section, the authors use techniques for individual and group descriptions of documents.

In the reference books of the Central State Archive of the USSR, the researcher is referred in a brief description (review) to 38 sections in the internal archive reference book, and in the published one - to 90 sections and subsections. In the first reference book, the search data is specified more specifically, so that a researcher who has read the published material may still have to refer to the internal reference book to find out which search data relate to the question that interests him. Minimal biographical information is provided about each person included in the index, which made it possible for the first time to present (albeit briefly) biographies of a wide range of individuals of the Decembrist movement in a single manual. For the first time, more than 2 thousand soldiers and sailors who participated in the uprising are presented with brief but sufficient information for studying biographies. The advantage of the handbook is that along with members of the Decembrist secret societies, it also reflects individuals who represent the activities of other secret societies of the same time - Astrakhan, Vladimir, Moscow (Brothers of Crete), etc. The biographical data about each person includes archival files containing information about them. Sometimes you can find up to several dozen cases about the person of interest in the directory. The internal archive directory of the Central State Archive of the USSR includes an auxiliary alphabetical index, where all persons are grouped by secret societies, regiments, etc., and in the published directory of this archive there is a subject-thematic index.

In 1975, G. G. Borisov compiled a " List of documentary materials of the Central State Naval Academy of the USSR about the Decembrists (To the 150th anniversary of the uprising on Senatskaya Square on December 14, 1825)". The directory mainly reflects information about the Decembrist sailors contained in 283 documents from 20 collections. The team of archivists of the Central State Academy of Education of the USSR created a "Thematic leaf index to the inventory of the 1st expedition of the III branch", where there is information about 420 cases reflecting the Decembrist theme (sections: "The Decembrist Uprising "and" The Revolutionary and Social Movement after the Decembrist Uprising..."). The "List" and" Index " are actually catalogues fixed by typewriting in journal form. Since 1977, the Central State Administration of the USSR has been using the second inventory of the fund of the Investigative Commission and the Supreme Criminal Court 29 for documents of 25 cases, which includes materials previously not taken into account by the "Description" of B. S. Pushkin.

Reviews that have appeared in recent decades characterize the Decembrist materials of several other archives, libraries, and museums .30 Techniques and methods of description in these reference books are different, some of them tend to archival information and search, others-to source studies. However, it would probably be wrong to exclude the latter completely from the category of archival reference books.

In all central archives that store Decembrist materials, there are-

29 This inventory contains information about four other inventory items that are not currently functioning, which were compiled at different times for the fund's materials (they have the names: additional N 2, inventory N 2, op. N 4 (processing) and inventory N 5, respectively, for 29, 16, 130 and 10 units of XP.).Apparently, previously there were inventories of other names and numbers. In the inventories available, it is not always possible to determine the authorship of the compiler, the time of creation, but you can use them to find out the place of former storage of documents, determine which funds or archives they were transferred to.

30 Zhytomyr S. V. Archive of I. I. Pushchin. - Notes of the Department of Manuscripts of the State Library of the USSR, Moscow, 1958, vol. 20; Printseva G. A. Decembrists in monuments of fine art. From the collections of the Hermitage. L.-M. 1967; Maikova K. A. The first Decembrist manuscripts, in the Rumyantsev Museum. - Notes of the Department of Manuscripts of the State Library of the USSR, 1975, vol. 36; Apanovich L. I., Glyz I. I. Documents on the activities of the Decembrists in Ukraine (microfilms of documents from the Central State Archive of the USSR and the Central State Archive of the USSR, stored in the Central State Archive of the Ukrainian SSR). - Archives of Ukraine, 1975, N 6; Pobedimova G. A. Iz materialov o decembristakh v archivnykh fondakh LOII SSSR AN SSSR. In: Auxiliary historical disciplines. Vol. VIII. L. 1976; Zaitseva L. V., Documents about the Decembrists in the funds of the State Archive of the Chita region. In: Decembrists and Siberia. Novosibirsk. 1977.

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thematic catalogs are used. They capture information in a certain way, but they do not represent the most "complete set" of data: cataloging cases was mainly carried out only by their titles, and documents within cases were only slightly processed until recently. Therefore, catalogs that include information on the Decembrist theme reflect only a small fraction of the numerous aspects of the theme, as well as the history of personalities.

Various inventories, partly including Decembrist materials, or special thematic inventories of individual funds and collections reflected the various methods of description that existed at different times in the records of fund-forming institutions or when conducting descriptions inside archives. Some of them exist in typewritten form, others in handwritten form. Many of them need editing, drawing up auxiliary indexes (named, geographical, subject, etc.). You should also pay attention to the help desk inside the cases. These are inventories, prefaces, and indexes. Sometimes they are also issued as separate storage units related to documents of a number of cases.

Documents on the Decembrist theme are also partially reflected in numerous guidebooks. In the reference books " Personal archival funds in the state vaults of the USSR "(vol. 1-2. Moscow 1962-1963) and " Personal archival funds in the vaults of the USSR "(vol. 3. Moscow 1980), in particular, there is information about 66 funds on the history of the Decembrist movement. Information about the Decembrist materials is also reflected in the "Short Reference Book on Scientific, Industrial and Memorial Archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences" (Moscow, 1979), in the reference books "Archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Review".

Further development of the most convenient types and types of NSA for researchers to documents on the Decembrist theme is important. Their preparation could simultaneously cover documents from archives, museums, and libraries. The most useful of the archival reference books are complex-thematic ones that combine separate types of two or more types of NSA in a single manual and are aimed at achieving comprehensive information on this topic. It would be desirable to involve in this work research teams with experience in developing the Decembrist problem.

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Create and store your author's collection at Libmonster: articles, books, studies. Libmonster will spread your heritage all over the world (through a network of affiliates, partner libraries, search engines, social networks). You will be able to share a link to your profile with colleagues, students, readers and other interested parties, in order to acquaint them with your copyright heritage. Once you register, you have more than 100 tools at your disposal to build your own author collection. It's free: it was, it is, and it always will be.

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