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Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
No one doubts the existence of the electronic current, and there is no need to prove it, although the theory of alternating current, based on the assumption that electrons can run in one direction and then in the reverse direction, is clearly erroneous and requires a refutation. To prove the existence of a positron current, it is sufficient to pass the current rectified by the semiconductor bridge through the frame of the magnetoelectric galvanometer in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Both currents will deflect the arrow towards the south pole of the magnet, which corresponds to the charge of the positron.
Catalog: Физика 
1787 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
These errors of the modern theory of electricity are connected with the fact that only now physical science, and first of all, quantum physics, began to clarify the nature of the charges of electrons and positrons. It turned out that there are no specific electric charges in nature, because an electron - by 2/3 of its volume - is a magnetic dipole of the north pole, called a minus, and a positron is a magnetic dipole of the south pole, called a plus. Each charge generates 1/3 of the volume of the magnetic induction of the opposite pole. Moreover, a larger magnetic charge is considered an electric charge, and a smaller magnetic charge is considered to be the magnetic component of the charges, which, when current flows in the conductor, generates speraloid lines of magnetic induction.
Catalog: Физика 
1797 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
For centuries, scientists have been preoccupied with the search for a reference frame in the Universe that could unambiguously determine, for example, the Earth revolves around the Sun, or vice versa. Neither the Ptolemy system nor the Copernican system possess such uniqueness. Kepler’s laws also do not clarify this issue. Einstein's theory of relativity suggests the equality of both points of view. But for many researchers, the question remained open. And finally, uniqueness, as if, appeared. Uniqueness is formed by the difference of gravitational potentials
Catalog: Физика 
1848 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
Quantum theory claims that vacuum is not an absolute void, but a sea of ​​virtual particles. And even those particles that are born at colliders are already particles “wrapped” in a virtual fur coat. In our opinion, this coat is formed by the gravitational field of the Earth. And most of the particles that make up gravitational fields are particles with the smallest mass of all particles called a graviton. Higgs Field is a gravitational field. The Higgs boson is a graviton.
Catalog: Физика 
1932 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
A new theory of electricity is needed, first of all, because the modern theory of electricity is built on a conduction current that does not exist in nature. And this paradox is obvious even to schoolchildren who observe currents with negative and positive charges on oscilloscopes. The modern theory of electricity is not able to clearly explain many of the mysteries of electricity. This article explains some of the mysteries that the modern theory of electricity could not explain.
Catalog: Физика 
2013 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
The author of the article did not encounter a single source on the Meissner-Oxenfeld effect, where the version that this effect is explained by the presence of eddy currents in superconducting ceramics would be questioned. But, in the opinion of the author of the article, ceramics in such a state are surrounded by such gravitational fields, which, when cooled, turn into gravimagnetic fields, which, together with the gravimagnetic fields of the Earth, pull all the magnetic fields from the ceramics body.
Catalog: Физика 
2034 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
The theory of electricity formed the opinion that Coulomb forces act only between charges. Actually, between opposite charges in metal conductors there is a zero potential of the conductor. And it is precisely this zero potential that is the central element of electricity, without which no current will run anywhere because the electric potential difference between the zero potential of the conductor and the negative (or positive) potential of the current source gives rise to the force of charges in the circuit, gives rise to EMF
Catalog: Физика 
2104 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
I wrote this article when I was 33, and I, who did not understand anything in physics, but who had logical thinking, were outraged by those alogisms and paradoxes that flowed from Einstein’s logic of relativity theory. But it was criticism at the level of emotions. Now, when I began to think a little bit in physics, and when I discovered the law of the difference of gravitational potentials, and based on it I built a five-dimensional frame of reference, it is now possible to prove the inaccuracy of Einstein’s theory of relativity at the level of physical laws.
Catalog: Физика 
2178 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
If a ray of light is passed through a glass prism, then we get a set of multicolored rays. And it is these rays that are what we call the daylight or sunlight. Thus, light is a set of multi-colored photons. And the photon itself is a quantum of one or another color.
Catalog: Физика 
2193 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
The body of an atom is composed of gravitons. Moreover, all gravitons are polarized north-south to the center of the atom. And the electron, jumping from graviton to graviton, retains its north-south polarization, where the electron has the top - the north, and the bottom - the south. Electrons have such spatial configuration both in the body of the atom and in the electromagnetic wave. Electrons in the electron-positron current, which propagates in the ether adjacent to the conductor, have the same spatial configuration, as evidenced by Faraday’s experiment, set two hundred years ago, which modern physicists knew but forgot. Strictly speaking, it is not the electrons that rotate around the nucleus of the atom, but their energy in the form of photons, which jump from one graviton to a neighboring graviton.
Catalog: Физика 
2202 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
Видимо, настало время заполнить пустоту модели атома Резерфорда-Бора потому, что эта пустота демонстрирует несжимаемость атома. По нашей гипотезе эта пустота заполнена мини вихрями эфира – гравитонами, которые являются магнитными диполями. Притянутые друг к другу разноимёнными полюсами гравитоны образуют гравитационные, магнитные и электромагнитные поля.
Catalog: Физика 
2273 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
Новая концепция электричества необходима, прежде всего, потому, что в современной концепции электричества током проводимости принято считать движение свободных электронов при неподвижных ионах. Тогда как, ещё двести лет тому назад Фарадей в своём опыте, – который может повторить любой школьник, – показал, что ток проводимости это движение, как отрицательных, так и положительных зарядов. Кроме того, современная концепция электричества не способна объяснить, например: каким образом электрический ток генерирует магнетизм, как осуществляется сверхпроводимость, как осуществляется выпрямление тока, и т.д.
Catalog: Физика 
2653 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
Верующие в теорию относительности Эйнштейна не отличают объективную реальность от субъективной реальности. Конкретный стул, который можно поломать, это объективная реальность. Стул, как обобщающее понятие, нельзя поломать потому, что он существует только в нашей голове.
Catalog: Философия 
2690 days ago
Геннадий Твердохлебов added new article
Основой инерционного движения является лоренцево сокращение длины движущихся тел вдоль вектора их движения. В наличии такой деформации не приходиться сомневаться потому, что наше тело испытывает эту деформацию, когда мы движемся с ускорением. Причиной деформации тел является сопротивление движению тел, которое оказывают гравитонные цепочки гравитационных полей, в которых тела движутся.
Catalog: Физика 
2690 days ago
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This note proves that currents in metal conductors do not propagate inside the conductors, but around them. For the first time, this revolutionary idea was expressed by Fedyukin Veniamin Konstantinovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences: “the current of electric energy is not the movement of electrons, the carriers of electricity are an intense electromagnetic field that propagates not inside, but mainly outside the conductor” (2).
Catalog: Физика 
Such is the brief background of the fact that the photon was called the quantum of the electromagnetic wave. And it suited everyone until a half-educated philosopher arrived, who said: gentlemen, let the photon have neither electric nor magnetic charge, and therefore it cannot form the configuration of the electromagnetic wave, where the electric and magnetic components are perpendicular to each other and wave propagation vector. Moreover, this philosopher said that he made a discovery by inventing such a design of an electron and a positron that generates exactly the perpendiculars that are observed in electromagnetic waves.
Catalog: Физика 
No one doubts the existence of the electronic current, and there is no need to prove it, although the theory of alternating current, based on the assumption that electrons can run in one direction and then in the reverse direction, is clearly erroneous and requires a refutation. To prove the existence of a positron current, it is sufficient to pass the current rectified by the semiconductor bridge through the frame of the magnetoelectric galvanometer in one direction and then in the opposite direction. Both currents will deflect the arrow towards the south pole of the magnet, which corresponds to the charge of the positron.
Catalog: Физика 
These errors of the modern theory of electricity are connected with the fact that only now physical science, and first of all, quantum physics, began to clarify the nature of the charges of electrons and positrons. It turned out that there are no specific electric charges in nature, because an electron - by 2/3 of its volume - is a magnetic dipole of the north pole, called a minus, and a positron is a magnetic dipole of the south pole, called a plus. Each charge generates 1/3 of the volume of the magnetic induction of the opposite pole. Moreover, a larger magnetic charge is considered an electric charge, and a smaller magnetic charge is considered to be the magnetic component of the charges, which, when current flows in the conductor, generates speraloid lines of magnetic induction.
Catalog: Физика 
For centuries, scientists have been preoccupied with the search for a reference frame in the Universe that could unambiguously determine, for example, the Earth revolves around the Sun, or vice versa. Neither the Ptolemy system nor the Copernican system possess such uniqueness. Kepler’s laws also do not clarify this issue. Einstein's theory of relativity suggests the equality of both points of view. But for many researchers, the question remained open. And finally, uniqueness, as if, appeared. Uniqueness is formed by the difference of gravitational potentials
Catalog: Физика 
Quantum theory claims that vacuum is not an absolute void, but a sea of ​​virtual particles. And even those particles that are born at colliders are already particles “wrapped” in a virtual fur coat. In our opinion, this coat is formed by the gravitational field of the Earth. And most of the particles that make up gravitational fields are particles with the smallest mass of all particles called a graviton. Higgs Field is a gravitational field. The Higgs boson is a graviton.
Catalog: Физика 
A new theory of electricity is needed, first of all, because the modern theory of electricity is built on a conduction current that does not exist in nature. And this paradox is obvious even to schoolchildren who observe currents with negative and positive charges on oscilloscopes. The modern theory of electricity is not able to clearly explain many of the mysteries of electricity. This article explains some of the mysteries that the modern theory of electricity could not explain.
Catalog: Физика 
The author of the article did not encounter a single source on the Meissner-Oxenfeld effect, where the version that this effect is explained by the presence of eddy currents in superconducting ceramics would be questioned. But, in the opinion of the author of the article, ceramics in such a state are surrounded by such gravitational fields, which, when cooled, turn into gravimagnetic fields, which, together with the gravimagnetic fields of the Earth, pull all the magnetic fields from the ceramics body.
Catalog: Физика 
The theory of electricity formed the opinion that Coulomb forces act only between charges. Actually, between opposite charges in metal conductors there is a zero potential of the conductor. And it is precisely this zero potential that is the central element of electricity, without which no current will run anywhere because the electric potential difference between the zero potential of the conductor and the negative (or positive) potential of the current source gives rise to the force of charges in the circuit, gives rise to EMF
Catalog: Физика 
According to our hypothesis, the conversion of electrons and positrons into each other occurs by replacing the charge motion vector with the opposite vector. This is explained by the fact that all elements of the electron's magnetoelectric system are opposite to all elements of the positron's magnetoelectric system. And this opposite is determined by the vector of their movement in space. Therefore, it is only necessary to change the motion vector of one of the charges to the opposite vector, so immediately this charge turns into its antipode.
Catalog: Физика 
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