At all stages of socialist construction, the Communist Party and the Soviet State took special care to create a skilled labor force, which differs from the unskilled in that it "received training and skills in a certain branch of labor"1 . The peculiarity and regularity of the method of solving this problem in our country consisted in the fact that simultaneously industrialization, the socialist transformation of agriculture, and the cultural revolution were carried out in it. V. I. Lenin called on the workers to " fully and accurately know all the conditions of production,.. know the technique of this production at its modern height " 2 . Taking this Leninist instruction into account, the CPSU and the Soviet State are constantly developing various forms of training and education of the working class, which make it necessary to provide the main branches of the national economy with qualified personnel.
A wealth of experience has already been accumulated in this area. Interest in it is growing due to the reform of general education and vocational schools and the solution of problems related to the transfer of the country's economy to the rails of more intensive development.
Soviet social scientists have written many works about the working class. In recent years, there have been published works devoted to a comprehensive study of the most important problems of its development, 3 as well as specific issues or individual stages of its history .4 In a number of works, the issues of training and education of the younger generation of workers were considered .51 K. Marx and F. Engels Soch. Vol. 23, p. 182.
2 Lenin V. I. PSS. Vol. 40, p. 215.
3 Changes in the social structure of Soviet society. 1921-mid-1930s, Moscow, 1979; Development of the working class in socialist society, Moscow, 1982; Formation and stabilization of qualified personnel in industry and construction. Novosibirsk. 1982; and others.
4 Selunskaya V. M. Working class and October in the village, Moscow 1968 ...
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