To the 50th anniversary of the Stakhanov movement
Half a century separates us from the momentous year of 1935, the middle year of the second five-year plan, the year of the birth of the Stakhanov movement. Relying on the built foundation of the socialist economy, the Soviet people then continued to fight with increasing energy for the implementation of Lenin's plan for building socialism, and selflessly worked to achieve the main and decisive economic task of the five-year plan - the completion of the reconstruction of the entire national economy, the re-equipment of its branches on the basis of new technology, the development of new enterprises and industries, and the introduction of new technical achievements.
In the second five-year plan, the Soviet people needed to achieve an expansion of social production and an increase in national wealth not only through the introduction of new production capacities, a further shift in the allocation of productive forces and an increase in the number of workers employed in the national economy, but mainly through factors of intensive development of the socialist economy: the effective use of new equipment, introduction and development of the latest technological processes; radical improvement of labor organization and steady increase in productivity growth; saving of raw materials, reducing the cost of production and improving the quality of products. By the end of the five-year period, it was necessary to ensure that about 80% of all industrial output was received from enterprises built or completely reconstructed, and to increase labor productivity in industry by 63% .1 "Labor productivity becomes a decisive factor in the implementation of the planned program for increasing production in the second five-year period," the XVII Party Congress pointed out. 2The working class, the entire Soviet people, overcoming the fierce resistance of capitalist elements and other anti-Soviet forces, worked with great enthusiasm and an ever- ...
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