Towards the XXVII Congress of the CPSU
The documents of the Communist Party and the Soviet Government repeatedly noted the urgency of combating drunkenness, which is a serious social problem. To combat this ugly phenomenon, the XXVI Party Congress said, " the efforts of all labor collectives, all public organizations, and all communists must be directed."1 . It is necessary "to give this work, "the CPSU Central Committee resolution" On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism "emphasizes," a truly mass, nationwide character, and to create in every labor collective an atmosphere of intolerance to drunkenness, to any violations of labor discipline and order. " 2 This struggle must be waged systematically, purposefully, implacably, through both persuasion and the use of the strict force of the law.
Extensive journalistic and scientific literature is devoted to this problem. In recent years , 3 doctors and 4 lawyers have written a lot about it . But in the historical plan of work on the problem under consideration, there is almost no 5 . Meanwhile, the main tasks of state institutions and public organizations in the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism were defined in the early years of Soviet power, when the position of the young Soviet state was developed, most fully formulated in the decisions of the party and government in the late 1920s. Therefore, in the light of modern requirements, the experience of combating drunkenness accumulated in the 20-30s needs to be carefully studied and understood.
This article attempts to tell about the history of the anti-alcohol movement of the mid-20s-early 30s, to recreate the history of the emergence and activity of a voluntary public organization - the Society for Combating Alcoholism. This experience is interesting both in itself, and for understanding the socio-psychological atmosphere of that time, and for studying methods of dealing with survivable forms of consciousness and behavior in new social conditions.
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