1. Kiklicheskie poemy v Olvii [Kiklic poems in Olbia]. VDI. 1969. N 3.pp. 142-150.
2. New inscriptions of the Tauric Chersonese / / VDI. 1970. N 3. pp. 127-134.
3. Novye materialy po rannegrecheskoi ekonomiki [New materials on the Early Greek Economy]. VDI. 1971. N 1.pp. 64-75.
4. From the history of archaic Olbia / / SA. 1971. N 2. pp. 232-238.
5. The oldest Greek letter from the island of Berezan / / VDI. 1971. N 4. pp. 74-100.
6. Рец.: Handbuch der Archaologie. Allgemeine Grundlagen der Archaologie / Hrsg. von U. Hausmann. Munchen. 1969. / / VDI. 1971. N 3. pp. 169-177.
7. B. N. Grakov (obituary) / / VDI. 1971. N 1. pp. 201-202.
8. Keramicheskie kleyma ostrov Phasos [Ceramic brands of the island of Phasos]. NE. 1972. Kh. p. 3-63.
9. Dipinto from the excavations of the settlement in a Wide beam near Novorossiysk / / New in archeology, Moscow, 1972, pp. 90-93.
10. Sinope's brands on amphorae from the settlement of Andreevka Yuzhnaya / / KSIA. 1973. Issue 133. pp. 44-53 (in collaboration with I. T. Kruglikova).
11. Once again on the Chalcid psephism IG I 2 N 39 / / VDI. 1973. N 3. pp. 105-123.
12. Excavations of the Olvian agora / / AO 1972, Moscow, 1973. pp. 302-303 (in collaboration with E. I. Levi).
13. Economic development of Phasos in the V-IV centuries BC. .. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Moscow, 1973. 22 s.
14. Sotsial'no-demograficheskaya struktura naseleniya Olvii V1-I vv. B.C. [Socio-demographic structure of the population of Olbia in the V1st-first centuries BC]. Antique cities of the Northern Black Sea region and the Barbarian world. Tez. dokl. konf. l. 1973. pp. 8-9.
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15. Prochus Minidae from Panticapaeum / / VDI. 1974. N 4. pp. 56-67.
16. Issledovaniya tsentral'noi chasti olviyskogo gorodishcha [Studies of the central part of the Olviysky settlement]. AO 1973, Moscow, 1974, pp. 299-300 (in collaboration with E. I. Levi et al.).
17. On the economic relations of Pontic Heraclea with the Northern and North-Eastern Black Sea coast in the Hellenistic and Roman times / / SA. 1975. N 1. pp. 86-91.
18. Rec.: E. I. Solomonik. New epigraphic monuments of Chersonesos. Kiev, 1973 / / VDI. 1975. N 1. pp. 169-176.
19. Issledovaniya Olviyskogo gorodishcha [Research of the Olvian settlement], AO 1974, Moscow, 1975, p. 314. (in collaboration with E. I. Levi et al.).
20. Epigraphic discoveries of recent years in Olbia / / Newest discoveries of Soviet archaeologists. Tez. dokl. konf. Kiev, 1975. pp. 69-90.
21. O politicheskom edinstvo Berezani i Olvia [On the political unity of Berezani and Olvia]. Khudozhestvennaya kul'tura i arkheologiya antichnogo mira [Art Culture and Archeology of the ancient world], Moscow, 1976, pp. 75-84.
22. Olviysky Kanob decree on money and the cost of precious metals on Pontus in the IV century BC / / VDI. 1976. N 4. pp. 20-42 (in collaboration with P. O. Karyshkovsky).
23. Novye otkrytii i issledovaniya sovetskikh arkheologov-antikovedov [New discoveries and research of Soviet archaeologists-antiquarians]. VDI. 1976. N 4.pp. 175-182.
24. Novye epigraficheskie dannye o miletiskom kalendare [New epigraphic data on the Milesian calendar]. Yerevan, 1976, pp. 66-67 (co-authored with A. S. Rusyaeva).
25. B. N. Grakov and Greek epigraphy / / B. N. Grakov. Early Iron Age, Moscow, 1977, pp. 211-213 (co-authored with D. B. Shelov).
26. Rec.: Yu. V. Andreev. Rannegrecheskiy polis. L., 1976 / / VDI. 1977. N 3. pp. 193-198 (in collaboration with A.M. Khazanov).
27. Miletus and Olbia. The problem of relations between the mother country and the colonies at an early stage // the Conference on the early history of the black sea. Proc. Dokl. Tskaltubo, 1977, pp. 11-12.
28. On the method of processing Greek epigraphic monuments. Metodika izucheniya drevneyshikh istochnikov po istorii narodov SSSR [Methods of studying the oldest sources on the history of the peoples of the USSR]. Moscow, 1978, pp. 46-73.
29. Ring of the King of Skill // Ancient Balkan studies. 3. Moscow, 1978, pp. 6-8.
30. Problema politicheskogo statusa polisov v sostave Bosporskoy derzhavy IV v. B.C. [The problem of the political status of the polis as part of the Bosporan Power of the IV century BC]. Osnovnye problemy razvitiya rabovladelcheskoi formatsii, Tez. dokl. konf. Moscow, 1978, pp. 22-25.
31. Miletus and Olbia. Problema vzaimosheniyakh metropolii i kolonii na rannem etape [The problem of relations between the metropolis and the colony at the early stage]. Tbilisi, 1979. pp. 47-52.
32. Griechische Epigraphik und Geschichte cles nordlichen Schwarzmeergebietes // Actes du VI e Congres International d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine. Bucarest - Paris, 1979. S. 293-316.
33. G. Schliemann and Homeric archaeology / / I. Stone. Greek Treasure, Moscow, 1979 (afterword).
34. Rec.: M. L. Lazzarini. Le formule delle dediche votive nella Grecia arcaica. Roma, 1976 / / VDI. 1979 N 2. pp. 185-191.
35. Varvary v prosopografii Olvii VI-V vv. AD // Local population of the Black Sea region in the era of Greek colonization. Tez. dokl. konf. Tskaltubo, 1979, pp. 9-11.
36. Ring of the king of Skill. Political and dynastic history of the Scythians in the first half of the 5th century BC / / SA. 1980. N 3. pp. 92-109.
37. The Cult of Apollo and the calendar in Olbia, Issledovaniya po antichnoi arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomorya, Kiev, 1980, pp. 19-64 (in collaboration with A. S. Rusyaeva).
38. Die historishe Entwicklung der Poleis des nordlichen Schwarzmeegebietes im 5. Jahrhiindert v. Chr. // Chiron. 1980. 10. S. 63-100.
39. Epigraphik in der UdSSR // Arheoloski Vestnik. 1980. 31. S. 301- 316.
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40. Olbia. Geschichte einer altgriechischen Stadt am Schwarzen Meer / XENI A. Konstanz, 1981. 47 S.
41. L'anello del re Scyles. Storia politica e dinastica degli Sciti nella prima meta del V sec. а. С. // Epigraphica. 1981. 43. P. 9-37.
42. Sinope and Olvia in the V century BC The problem of political organization / / VDI. 1981. N 2. pp. 65-90; 1981. N 3. pp. 49-75.
43. Barbarians in the prosopography of Olbia of the VI-V centuries BC // Demographic situation in the Black Sea region during the Great Greek colonization. Tbilisi, 1981. pp. 131-148.
44. Callinicus, son of Euxenes. Problemy politicheskoi i sotsial'no - ekonomicheskoi istorii Olvii vtoroi poloviny IV v. B.C. Problemy politicheskoi i sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi istorii Olvii vtoroi poloviny IV v. BC [Problems of political and socio-economic history of Olbia in the second half of the IV century BC].
45. Rec.: J. Seibert. Die Politischen Fllichtlinge und Verbannten in der griechischen Geschichte. Darmstadt, 1979 / / VDI. 1982. N 2. pp. 201-204.
46. Neue epigraphische Quellen aus der Krim zur Geschichte der Zeit Mithridates des GroBen // VIII e Congres International d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine. Athen, 1982. S. 174-177.
47. Novye epigraficheskie istochniki po istorii Mitridatovoi epokhi [New epigraphic sources on the history of the Mithridatic epoch]. Tskaltubo, 1982, pp. 8-11 (co-authored with E. A. Molev and V. P. Tolstikov).
48. Polis v Severnom Prichernomorye [The Polis in the Northern Black Sea Region].
49. The decree in honor of Antesterius and the crisis of the Olvian Polis in the Hellenistic era / / VDI. 1984. N 1. pp. 51-80.
50. Two bronze cauldrons with Greek inscriptions from the Sarmatian steppes of the Donbass and Volga region // Antiquities of Eurasia in the Scythian-Sarmatian period, Moscow, 1984, pp. 37-43.
51. Olbia und Prusia am Hypios zur Severerzeit // Sodalitas. Scritti in onore di Antonio Guarino. Napoli, 1984. S. 457-467.
52. Rec.: D. M. Pippidi. Inscriptiile din Scythia Minor. I. Bucarest, 1983 / / VDI. 1984. N 3. pp. 174-183 (in collaboration with P. O. Karyshkovsky).
53. Barbarian protectorate over the Greek polis of the Black Sea region / / IX Author's and reader's Conference VDI. Tez. dokl. Moscow, 1984. p. 43.
54. Armenian archers in the service of Mithridates Eupator / / Hellenistic culture in the East. Tez. dokl.konf. Yerevan, 1984, pp. 12-13 (co-authored with V. I. Kadeev).
55. Votive of Atrosok from the temple in Northern Bactria / / VDI. 1985. N 4. pp. 84-110 (in collaboration with B. A. Litvinsky and I. R. Pichikyan).
56. Novye epigraficheskie istochniki po istorii Mitridatovoi epokhi [New epigraphic sources on the history of the Mithridatic epoch]. Tbilisi, 1985. pp. 589-600 (co-authored with E. A. Molev and V. P. Tolstikov).
57. Politicheskaya istoriya Olvii v V v. do N.E. [Political history of Olvia in the V century BC]. Parutino, 1985, pp. 13-14.
58. Berezanskaya arkheologicheskaya expeditsiya v 1982 g. [Berezanskaya Archaeological Expedition in 1982]. Drevniye pamyatniki kul'tury na territorii SSSR [Ancient cultural monuments on the territory of the USSR], L., 1986, pp. 25-36.
59. . Suppl. 347 / / VSN. 1986. Suppl. XIII. P. 197-200.
60. Votive inscription of the daughter of Tsar Skilur from Panticapaeum and problems of the history of Scythia and Bosporus in the II century BC / / VDI. 1987. N 1. pp. 55-87.
61. Dikast's tablet from the Hermitage Collection // Antique Balkanistics, Moscow, 1987, pp. 10-16.
62. Der Pontos Euxeinos als politische, okonomische und kulturelle Einheit und die Epigraphik // Acta Centri Historiae Terra Antiqua Balcanica, Bd II. Trinovi. 1987. S. 9-77.
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63. Istoriya Evropy [History of Europe], Vol. I. 1988, Part 1. Chapters 4, 9, 13 (pp. 212-216, 373-388, 512-516).
64. Razvitie vzaimootnosheniyakh mestnogo naseleniya Severnogo Prichernomorya s grecheskim mir v VII-IV vv. do n. e. [Development of relations between the local population of the Northern Black Sea region and the Greek world in the VII-IV centuries BC]. Local ethnopolitical associations of the Black Sea region in the VII-IV centuries BC Tbilisi, 1988, pp. 28-34 (in collaboration with Ya. V. Domansky and K. K. Marchenko).
65. Skythen // Kleines Worterbuch des Hellenismus / Hrsg. von N. N. Schmitt, E. Vogt. Wiesbaden, 1988. S. 639-641.
66. Politicheskaya istoriya Olviyskogo polisa VII-I vv. B.C. Avtoref. dis... Doctor of Historical Sciences, Moscow, 1988, 41 p.
67. P. O. Karyshkovsky (obituary) / / VDI. 1988. N 3. pp. 209-215.
68. Bosporus and Hellenism // III All-Union Symposium on the problems of Hellenistic culture in the East. Tez. dokl.konf. Yerevan, 1988, pp. 16-17.
69. From eleutheria to addiction. Problema politicheskoi pravosposobnosti Chersonese v kontse 11-1 c. B.C. [The problem of political legal capacity of Chersonese at the end of the 11th-13th century BC]. Sevastopol, 1988, pp. 19-21.
70. Politicheskaya istoriya Olviyskogo polisa VII-I vv. B.C. Istoriko - epigraficheskoe issledovanie [Political history of the Olvian Polis of the VII-I centuries BC]. Moscow, 1989, 288 p.
71. Greek inscription from Southern Arabia / / VDI. 1989. N 2. pp. 162-169.
72. Main results of the Berezan expedition // Results of the archaeological expeditions of the State University. Hermitage Museum, Moscow, 1989, pp. 33-60 (co-authored with Ya. V. Domansky and S. L. Solovyov).
73. Olviopolites in Northwestern Taurica // Ancient Black Sea coast. Conference in memory of P. O. Karyshkovsky. Tez. dokl. Odessa, 1989, pp. 17-19.
74. Nekotorye itogi rabot Berezanskoy expeditsii [Some results of the Berezanskaya expedition]. Problemy istorii ta arkheologii davnogo naseleniya URSR. Tez. dokl. konf. Kiev, 1989, pp. 68-69 (co-authored with Y. V. Domansky and S. L. Solovyov).
75. B. N. Grakov i grecheskaya onomastika [Grakov and Greek onomastics] / / Problema skifo-sarmaticheskoi arkheologii Severnogo Prichernomorya. Tez. dokl. konf. Zaporozhye, 1989, pp. 29-31.
76. Greek inscription from the Scythian settlement of Kara-Tobe / / Ibid., pp. 28-29 (co-authored with S. Yu. Vnukov).
77. Olvia and Trajan // Eastern Europe in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Problems of source studies. Readings in memory of V. T. Pashuto. Tez. dokl. Moscow, 1990, pp. 27-32.
78. Slovo ob uchenom, cheloveka, druge [A word about a scientist, a man, a friend]. Collection of articles in memory of P. O. Karyshkovsky. Odessa, 1990, pp. 3-9.
79. Olviopolites in Northwestern Taurica //Ibid., pp. 51-64.
80. Obrazovanie territorialnogo Chersonessskogo gosudarstva [Formation of the territorial Chersonese state]. Ekonomika, politika, kul'tura [Economics, Politics, Culture], Moscow, 1990, pp. 310-371 (in collaboration with A. N. Shcheglov).
81. A new source of campaign Zopyrion // Numismatic studies in the history of South-Eastern Europe. Chisinau, 1990, pp. 15-30 (co-authored with N. V. Golovacheva).
82. The oldest Chersonese / / Black Sea region in the VII-V centuries BC; written sources and archeology. Tbilisi, 1990. pp. 48-74 (co-authored with M. I. Zolotarev).
83. Comparative analysis of written and archaeological sources on the problem of the early history of the North-West Black Sea region // Ibid., pp. 75-98 (co-authored with Y. V. Domansky and K. K. Marchenko).
84. La Chersonese de la fin de l'archaisme / / Le Pont-Euxin vu par les Grecs / Ed. O. Lordkipanidze, P. Leveque. P., 1990. P. 85-119 (in collaboration with M. I. Zolotarev).
85. Sources ecrites et archeologiques du Pont-Euxin Nord-Ouest. Analysis comparative / / Ibid. P. 121-139 (co-authored with Y. V. Domansky and K. K. Marchenko).
86. Rec. : M. Tacheva-Hitova. Eastern Cults in Moesia Inferior and Thracia. Leiden, 1983 / / VDI. 1990. N 2. pp. 210-212.
87. Археологiчна диял'ость Б.М. Гракова на Украiнi // Археологiя. 1990, No. 3. pp. 86-92 (co-authored with I. V. Yatsenko).
88. Bulletin epigraphique // REG. 1990. 103. P. 531-560 (Cote septentrionale du Pont, Caucase, Asie Centrale).
89. Zur sachlichen und geschichtlichen Deutung der Orphiker- Plattchen von Olbia // Orphisme et Orphee / Ed. Ph. Borgeaud. Geneve, 1991. S. 77-86.
90. Die Stele des Leoxos, Molpagores' Sohn, aus Olbia und die skythisch-griechischen Beziehungen im fruhen 5. Jh. v. Chr. // Archaologischer Anzeiger. 1991. S. 499-510.
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91. Der "Brief" des Priesters aus Hylaia // Gold der Steppe. Archaologie der Ukraine // Hrsg von R. Rolle, М. Muller-Wille, K. Schietzel. Schleswig. 1991. S. 201-202 (co-authored with A. S. Rusyaeva).
92. Fanagoria mercenaries / / VDI. 1991. N 4. pp. 14-33.
93. Ed. by M. Guarducci. L'epigrafia greca dalle origini al tardo impero. Roma, 1987 / / VDI. 1991. N 2. pp. 229-232.
94. Polemon, Chersonesos and Rome // Ancient Black Sea coast. II Readings in memory of P. O. Karyshkovsky. Tez. dokl. Odessa, 1991, pp. 17-19.
95. The Goddess Ge Meter Olybris: New Epigraphic Evidence From Armenia // East and West. 1992. 42. P. 13-26.
96. Die Soldner von Phanagoreia // Chiron. 1992. 22. S. 159-170 (mit М. Worrle).
97. Zinn von den Kelten? // ZPE. 1992. 91. S. 203-208 (co-authored with M. Traister).
98. Polemon, Chersonesos and Rome / / VDI. 1992. N 3. pp. 130-139.
99. On one ignored aspect of cultural and economic contacts of Pontic polis in the Hellenistic era / / VI scientific conference "International relations in the Black Sea basin in ancient and Middle Ages". Tez. dokl. Rostov-on-Don. 1992. p. 25.
100. Archeology of the Northern Coast of the Black Sea // AJA. 1993. 97. P. 521-563 (co-authored with M. Y. Traister).
101. Skythen // Kleines Lexikon des Hellenismus. / Hrsg. von N. N. Schmitt. E. Vogt. Wiesbaden 2 , 1993. S. 733-735.
102. Dorian philae in the Tauric Chersonese / / VDI. 1993. N 4. pp. 61-66.
103. "And other structures and ... this" (to the Olvian inscription NO 52) // Ancient Black Sea Region 3 (KSOAO). Odessa, 1993. pp. 83-86.
104. Anmcrkungen zu Kapitel VI: Staat und Kultur des Bosporanischen Reiches // М. Rostowzew. Skythien und der Bosporus. Bd II. Wiederentdeckte Kapitel und Verwandtes / Ubers. und hrsg. von Н. Heinen (Historia Einzelschriften, 83). Stuttgart, 1993. S. 135-152.
105. Die bosporanischen Herrscher // Ibid. S. 223-224.
106. Greek Epigraphy on the North Black Sea Coast, the Caucasus and Central Asia (1985-1990) // Ancient Civilisations from Scythia to Siberia (далее - ACSS). T. 1. 1994. P. 63-74.
107. New Inscriptions on Lead from Olbia // Ibid. P. 103-111.
108. Ocherk voenno-politicheskoi istorii Sarmatii v I v. AD [An outline of the military and political history of the Sarmatians in the first century AD].
109. From Rindak to Borysthenes / / Archeology. 1994. N 2. pp. 144-148.
110. D. B. Shelov (obituary) / / VDI. 1994. N 3. pp. 260-262 (in collaboration with M. G. Moshkova and N. A. Frolova).
111. Grenzfrage in Chersonesus Taurica am Ausgang des 4. Jh. v. Chr. // Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur historischen Geographic des Altertums 4. 1990. Amsterdam, 1994. S. 363-374.
112. A Maiden's Golden Burial from Berezan, the Island of Achilles // Expedition. 1994. 36. N 2-3. P. 18-28.
113. Romische Besatzungstruppen in Olbia Pontica im I. bis 3. Jh. und ihre Bewaffnung // Beitrage zu romischer und germanischer Bewaffnung in den IV-I nachchristlichen Jahrhunderten. Marburger Kolloquium. Lublin-Marburg, 1994. S. 101-108 (co-authored with V. V. Nazarov).
114. Olvia elite of the imperial era in the coverage of epigraphic sources / / "Olvia 200". Tez. dokl. konf. Nikolaev, 1994. p. 30.
115. Pyotr Osipovich Karyshkovsky / / Prominent scientists of Odessa. Odessa, 1995.
116. Olbia. Eine altgriechische Stadt im nordwestlichen Schwarzmeerraum. Leiden, 1995. 168 S., 119 Abb. (co-authored with S. D. Kryzhitsky).
117. Correspondence of M. I. Rostovtsev with X. Hulsen, E. Petersen and R. Delbrueck / / VDI. 1995. N 2. pp. 204-211.
118. The inscription on the bronze plate from Vani / / VDI. 1995. N 3. pp. 48-71.
119. Griechen am Don. Die Grabungen in Tanais 1994 / / Eurasia Antiqua. 1995. 1. S. 213-263 (mit T. M. Arsen'eva, V. Bottger).
120. Olbia and Bosporus in the early IV century BC in the light of the newly discovered dossier of documents / / Ancient polis and the local population of the Black Sea region. Sevastopol, 1995, pp. 69-78.
121. Poit Euxine as a political, economic and cultural unity and epigraphy // Ibid., pp. 5-56.
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122. Chersonesos and Ptolemaic Egypt in the third century BC // International relations in the Black Sea basin in ancient and Middle Ages. Tez. dokl.konf. Rostov-on-Don, 1994. [1995], p. 63 (co-authored with M. I. Zolotarev).
123. Results of research of the joint Russian-German archaeological group in Tanais in 1993 / / Ibid., pp. 64-69 (mit V. Bottger).
124. New documentary dossier of the imperial era from Chersonesos (On the vicissitudes of the Chersonesites and their lapidary archive) / / VDI. 1996. N 1. pp. 48-60.
125. Inheriting the inquisitive mind... / / Ancient Black Sea region. III Readings in memory of P. O. Karyshkovsky. Odessa. 1996. pp. 26-28.
126. Berezan' archaique a la lumiere des dernieres decouverte.s // Sur les traces des Argonautes. Actes du 6th Symposium de Vani (Colchide) 22-29 sepembre 1990 / Ed. O. Lordkipanidze, P. Leveque. P., 1996. P. 291-296 (co-authored with J. V. Domansky).
127. Novye issledovaniya v Tanais [New research in Tanais] / / VDI. 1996. N 3. pp. 54-71 (in collaboration with T. Arsenyeva and B. Bettger).
128. Die Rolle der kaukasischen Bergpasse im militarischen Einsatz der Reiternomaden // Stuttgarter Kolloquium zur historischen Geographie des Altertums 5. 1993. "Gebigsland als Lebensraum". Amsterdam, 1996. S. 97-103.
129. From the intimate life of Olviopolitan women // The world of Olvia. Materials of jubilee readings dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of L. M. Slavin. Kiev, 1996. P. 1 13-114.
130. Pontische Studien. Kleine Schrit'ten zur Geschichte und Epigraphik des Schwarzmeerraumes / Hrsg. von Н. Heinen. Mainz, 1997. X + 703 S. 40 Tafeln.
131. Military conflicts in Poita involving Hellenistic Greek polis due to monopoly and territorial claims / / Bosporus and the Ancient World. Nizhny Novgorod, 1997, pp. 214-223.
132. Olvian elite of the Imperial era (according to epigraphic documents from the OAM collection: NO 100 + IOSPE, I 2. 309; 221) / / Hyperboreus. 1996. 2. 2 [1997]. Pp. 125-138.
133. Antigonus, son of Heraclitus, from the Macedonian Stiberra / / Antiquity: history and historians. Collection in honor of F. G. Mishchenko. Kazan, 1997. pp. 40-46.
134. Philological commentary to the article by I. V. Ksenofoptova "Silver rhyton with the protoma of Pegasus from the VI Ulyansky kurgan" / / VDI. 1997. N 2. pp. 78-79.
135. Zur Klassifizierung der gricchisch-barbarischen Abhangigkeitsverhallnisse der vorromischen Zeit im pontischen Raum // Hellenismus. Beitrage zur Erforschung von Akkulturation und politischer Ordnung in den Staaten des hellenislischen Zeitalters. Akten des Internationalen Hellenismus-Kolloquiums, 9.-14. Marz 1994 in Berlin / Hrsg. von B. Funck. Tubingen, 1996 [1997]. S. 427-438.
136. Letter from the Gorgippian allotments / / E. M. Alekseeva. The ancient city of Gorgippia, Moscow, 1997, pp. 543-556.
137. A Letter from the Gorgippean Rural Estates // ACSS. T. I. Pt 3. 1997. P. 232-244.
138. The Chersonese decree on the "bearing of Dionysus" IOSPE I 2 343 and the Sarmatian invasion of Scythia / / VDI. 1997. N 3. pp. 104-124.
139. Die schola prinsipalium in Chersonesos // II Mar Nero II - 1995/96 (1997). P. 129-143 (mit V.M. Zubar').
140. Caesar. Chersonesos and Bosporus / / Chersonesos in the ancient world: historical and archaeological aspect. Tez. dokl. konf. Sevastopol, 1997, pp. 19-20.
141. Nikoniy and the ancient world of the Northern Black Sea region. Odessa, 1997. pp. 54-55.
142. Late Antique Bosporus and Early Byzantium (In the light of dated Bosporan inscriptions of the 5th century) / / VDI. 1998. N 1. pp. 233-247.
143. Igor Rubenovich Pichikyan (obituary) / / VDI. 1998. N 2. pp. 208-209.
144. The Late Classical Bosporus and Early Byzantium (in the Light of Dated Bosporan Inscriptions of the Fifth Century) // ACSS. 1998. T. 5. Pt. 3. P. 245-269.
145. Von Rhyndakos bis Borysthenes // Studia in honorem Georgii Mihailov. Sofia, 1995 (1998). S. 497-501.
146. Ein sprechender Lagynos aus Olbia Pontica // ZPE. 1998. 121. S. 149-152.
147. Phantasmomagica Olbiopolitana // Ibid. S. 153-164.
148. Year of birth of Tauric Chersonesus / / Chersonesus collection. 1998. IX. pp. 36-46 (co-authored with M. I. Zolotarev).
149. Mithridates Eupator and Olvia // Ancient Black Sea Region, IV. Odessa, 1998. pp. 42-45.
150. The Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Region in the Light of Private Lead Letters // The Greek Colonisation of the Black Sea Area / Ed. G.R. Tsetskhladze. Historia-Einzelschriften. 1998. 121. P. 153- 178.
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151. L'ostracismo e la storia della fondazione in Chersonesos Taurica. Analisi comparata con gli ostraku dal Kerameikos di Atene // Minima epigraphica e papyrologica. 1999. II. P. 111-131 (co-authored with M. I. Zolotarev).
152. Istria, Tyra and Nikonije, abandoned and revived / / Numismatics and epigraphy. 1998. XVI. pp. 50-71.
153. Schola principalium in Chersonese / / Ibid., pp. 72-81 (in collaboration with V. M. Zubar and I. A. Antonova).
154. Translation of the book and preface: H. Habicht. Athens. History of the city in the Hellenistic era, Moscow, 1999.
155. M. I. Rostovtsev's Return to Russia (For the publication of the book "The Scythian Novel". Under the general editorship of G. M. Bongard-Levin, Moscow, 1997 / / VDI. 1999. N 2. pp. 229-232.
156. The original Chersonese // The oldest states of Eastern Europe. 1996-1997 The Northern Black Sea coast in antiquity. Voprosy istochnikovedeniya [Issues of Source Studies], Moscow, 1999, pp. 91-129 (in collaboration with M. I. Zolotarev).
157. International Conference " Ancient, Ancient and Early Christian collections of Russian museums: unpublished, little-known and newly acquired monuments "(Moscow, September 16-18, 1998) / / VDI. 1999. N 3. pp. 233-236 (co-authored with Yu. N.Litvinenko).
158. Rout of the Sarmatians of the Great Scythia: traces of the Horde lead to Taurida / / Problems of the Scythian-Sarmatian archeology of the Northern Black Sea region (To the century of B. N. Grakov). Zaporozhye, 1999. pp. 59-62.
159. Votive Komosarii iz Nymfey [Votive Komosarii iz Nymfey] / / Bosporan city of Nymphey. Tez. dokl. yubileynoy konf. Gos. Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, 1999, P. 20.
160. Decree of the Spartokids from the palace temple on the acropolis of Panticapaeum // Eurasian antiquities. 100 years of B. N. Grakov: archival publications, materials, articles, Moscow, 1999, pp. 282-304.
161. Ostracon from the Taganrog settlement (epigraphic commentary) / / VDI. 1999. N 4. pp. 176-179.
162. Der Staatsbesuch der 'Isis' im Bosporos // ACSS. 1998 (1999). V. 4. S. 271-302.
163. Worship of the Sacred Egyptian Triad in Chersonesus (Crimea) / / Ibid. P. 357-381 (co-authored with M. I. Zolotarev).
164. An Ostracon from the Taganrog Settlement (Epigraphic Commentary) // Ibid. 1999. VI. 1-2. P. 13-18.
165. Heilkundige Eleaten in den Schwarzmeergrundungen // Burgersinn und staatliche Macht in Antike und Gegenwacht // Festschrift fur Wolfgang Schuller zum 65. Geburtstag / Hrsg. von М. Dreher. Konstanz, 2000. S. 133-149.
166. The Euboean's visit to Phanagoria / / VDI. 2001. N 1. pp. 103-104.
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