The culture of the three fraternal peoples-Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian-developed on the basis of the achievements of the culture of the Ancient Russian state. Its vivid manifestation, original monuments of writing, social thought and sources were the chronicles. The original centers of the ancient Russian chronicle were Kiev and Novgorod. The oldest chronicle that has survived to our time is the Tale of Bygone Years, which tells about Ancient Russia until the end of the XII century. Feudal fragmentation of the 12th-13th centuries led to the end of the general Ancient Russian chronicle and its development in local centers-Vladimir-on-Klyazma, Suzdal, Rostov, Chernihiv, Galich, Vladimir-Volyn, Turov, Polotsk, etc. Along with them, the chronicle continued to exist in Kiev and Novgorod. The Old Russian chronicle had a significant influence on subsequent chronicle texts (XIV - XVII centuries) in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, both in terms of form, architectonics, purposefulness, and use of plots of Old Russian history. A monument of the Southern Russian chronicle, which reflected the events of the XI-XIII centuries, is the Old Russian chronicle code, which has come down to our time in the Ipatiev, Khlebnikov and other chronicles. The collection includes the chronicles of the Principality of Kiev in 1200, the Chernihiv chronicles of Prince Igor Svyatoslavich, the hero of the "Lay of Igor's Regiment", and the Galician-Volyn chronicles. The invasion of Batu hordes in Russia in the XIII century caused irreparable damage to the monuments of ancient Russian culture. The only one of the southwestern Russian lands that remained independent was the Galician-Volhynian Principality, where the chronicle continued, completed in 1292. In the XIV - XV centuries, three new ethnic groups were formed on the basis of the Old Russian - Great Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian, between which ties were preserved 1 . The unification of the Russian lands around Moscow, the heroic struggle ... Читать далее

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