Moscow, Nauka Publ. 1984. 277 p.
Extensive literature is devoted to the study of the socio-political history, state system, and social thought of Russia in the 16th century, especially during the reign of Ivan IV. Nevertheless, it is necessary to state the absence of a generalizing work on the source study of the history of Russia of the XVI century, which would contain a comprehensive analysis of the entire set of handwritten monuments. Therefore, the monograph of Doctor of Historical Sciences S. O. Schmidt devoted to the most important documentary sources on state and political history and the development of public consciousness in the time of Ivan the Terrible cannot but attract attention. The new work is a continuation of the author's research in the field of source studies of the history of the Russian state in the XVI century .1The book, like the previous monograph, is made in the form of historical essays, united by a common theme and research idea. If the first of them was based on the problem-thematic principle (through a comprehensive analysis of written monuments, it deals with such complex issues of the history of Russia of the XVI century as the uprising of 1547, the beginning of zemstvo councils, the essence and nature of localism), then the second is a study of large complexes of sources: the Royal Archive and the corpus of official chronicles. half of the XVI century.
A distinctive feature of the book is a multi-faceted, large-scale approach to the objects of study: a combination of source analysis with constant historiographic excursions, which allowed us to reveal the state of research of individual sources and highlight a range of controversial and unresolved issues, outline prospects for their further study. The work is characterized by polemic and thorough discussion with other authors. At the same time, S. O. Schmidt not only enters, as a rule, into a reasoned polemic with a number of his predecessors, but also does not hide from readers change ...
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