By the 80th anniversary of the 1905 - 19071905-1907 revolution in Russia-had a major impact on the workers ' liberation movement around the world. For the first time, the proletariat emerged as an independent political and ideological force capable of exercising its hegemony. His role as leader of the working masses was embodied in the Leninist Party, which "raised the revolutionary banner high, resolutely defended Marxism in the struggle against Revisionism, and creatively developed Marxist teaching, combining it in the course of the revolution with the mass proletarian and democratic movement." 1 The Proletarian newspaper wrote in an editorial: "To become a socialist, one needs knowledge; proletarian psychology, it is true, predisposes one to this knowledge, but it does not eliminate its necessity. Socialism is a positive, scientific content, not a mood. " 2 In Marxism, the vanguard proletarian strata drew irrefutable proofs of the exploitative nature of modern society, the necessity of a revolutionary struggle against capitalism, the inevitability of its demise and the victory of the new system. V. I. Lenin called for educating workers "in the spirit of a broad understanding of the class struggle and the socialist tasks of the proletariat"3 .
The most important direction of the social policy pursued by the Bolsheviks during the years of the revolution was to explain the true essence of the so-called workers ' question, which by that time had taken full root. Back in the 70s of the XIX century, the newspapers Moskovskoe Obozrenie and Birzhevye Vedomosti stated:" We don't have a working question, " workers are an exception, not class 4 . But even the Morozov strike of 1885, according to Lenin, made a very strong impression on the government, for the mass of workers working together put forward their demands directly .5 In the first months of the revolutionary year 1905, several government commissions took up the "workers ' question". Thus, it took 30 years for the ...
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