A. A. TYRTOV Job Seeker Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Keywords: "Open Sky", airline, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, USA The air transportation market has recently been quite mobile. Despite the economic crises, traffic volumes continue to grow. This is largely facilitated by the availability of offers made available by the principles of "Open Skies"* - both from major airlines and the actively developing segment of budget transportation. All this, one way or another, leads to a change in the aviation market. And such changes often do not suit some old players who firmly believed in their own steadfastness. The 69th Annual Meeting of Members of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) was held in Cape Town, South Africa, in June 20131. On the sidelines of this event, Tim Clark, President of Emirates Airlines, part of the group of companies of the same name, which is owned by the Government of Dubai (United Arab Emirates - UAE), spoke about the company's plans to organize trans-Pacific routes. According to him, the aircraft will fly to North America with transit stops in Asia. T. Clark stressed that in this way Emirates plans to maximize the use of open airspace agreements. Until then, Emirates ' competitors could remain convinced that passenger transportation would be based on the principle of corresponding cities, which, in their opinion, it would be advisable to offer through a transit transfer hub at Dubai Airport. However, the Emirates management, realizing the limitations of this vision for the development of the route network with such aircraft in its fleet as the Boeing B777 (from 305 to 451 passengers) and the Airbus A380 (from 525 to 853 passengers), looked much further. The UAE, having bilateral international agreements on the use of airspace with many states, including the United States, did not intend to limit itself in the opportunities provided for the use of all "air freedoms"**. In 2006, Emirates tried ... Читать далее

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