"All the people were there... in Stras velice ... all the cities of everyday life were besieged, and in the forest they were running around, many froze from Stouden " 1-in these words, the chronicler conveys the mood of the Moscow people when in the first days of February 1480, the army of Prince Boris Vasilyevich of Volotsk moved along the winter roads to Uglich. Prince Boris was going to join forces with his brother Andrey to jointly oppose his older brother, Grand Duke Ivan III. The people of Moscow had ample grounds for alarm and fear. In their memory, the images of Shemyakin's troubles were still alive. Then the performance of the Galician Prince Yuri Dmitrievich and his sons against Vasily II the Dark, who was Yuri's nephew, caused an internecine war that lasted almost a quarter of a century.
Moscow changed hands six times, twice enemy hordes appeared under its walls, twice Russian troops suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of the Golden Horde lords, and the Grand Duke himself was captured by the Kazan people and was released for a huge ransom, which put its weight on the shoulders of peasants and townspeople. King Casimir of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania intervened in the affairs of the Russian land, concluded treaties with Tver and Ryazan, and supported the Novgorod and Pskov separatists. The princes of Suzdal and Nizhny Novgorod, whose possessions became part of the Grand Duchy of Moscow at the end of the XIV century, once again felt independent. It seemed that the hard-built building of the Russian centralized state was collapsing, and the times of strife and endless Horde armies were coming again... In February 1480, the shadow of the feudal war again hung over Russia.
In 1479, " Prince Veliky brought the viceroy with Luk s Velikykh from the Novogorodsky and Lithuanian border, and bisha brow to Prince Veliky Luciana on him about the sale and about the offense." Ivan III arranged a trial of the Lucians with their former viceroy, kn. Ivan Lyk Vladimir ...
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