Painting this or that canvas, an artist may not identify himself and leave his signature and date. In time this creates problems for art critics and art appreciation experts. Hence come so many canvases in art galleries, museums and private collections - canvases painted by "unknown artists". It takes a lot of time and effort to identify the authors. This work involves the concerted effort and expertise of men and women competent in the pictorial arts and in the style of individual painters. Subtle and meticulous work with enigmas here and there... page 104 By Natalia BRIEDIS, head of the opticophysical research sector, National Research-Restoration Center, Kiev, Ukraine Experts had to grapple with enigmas like that when examining a series of paintings attributed to the brush of David Burliuk (1862- 1967)-an avant-garde artist and poet, who stood at the cradle of Russian futurism, a revolutionary movement born to life by the fitful decades of the early 20th century.* Since his ideas and aesthetic credo were consonant with those of his contemporaries who sought to break the bounds of convention in literature, in the pictorial arts and on the stage, he made common cause with such standouts as Kazimir Malevich (avant- garde artist), Vladimir Mayakovsky (avant-garde poet and artist) and Velimir Khlebnikov (avant-garde poet). In 1920 Burliuk left Russia - he lived first in Japan and then in the United States, where his works gained recognition already in the 1920s (and later, in Europe too) as a challenge to artistic canons which he would simplify down to primitivism. Burliuk ran a peculiar, individual gamut of colors meant to emphasize the intrinsic freedom of his ego. David Burliuk did not sign and date some of his canvases. To make sure he was the author indeed, the Kiev Museum of Russian Art and the National Art Museum of the Ukraine invited a panel of experts for examination using the method of radiography (roentgenography) which allows to identify the indi ... Читать далее

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Полная версия: http://elibrary.com.ua/m/articles/view/ENIGMAS-Of-FOUR-CANVASES
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