By the 80th anniversary of the revolution of 1905-1907 , on the threshold of the Russian revolution of 1905-1907, when the "lower classes did not want" and the "upper classes could not" "live in the old way"1 , the opposition and liberals noticeably increased-unstable fellow travelers of the real struggle waged by the revolutionary camp. The result of this opposition was the formation of two illegal liberal organizations - the "Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists", which united some of the landowners, and the" Union of Liberation", which consisted mainly of intellectuals. Liberalism in Russia at that time was very diverse in its programmatic and tactical positions. In general, he was characterized by the desire to lead the country exclusively by peaceful, evolutionary transformation, receiving all the reforms from the hands of the tsar. Both the "Union of Zemstvo Constitutionalists" and the "Union of Liberation"advocated the introduction of a constitution" by the will of the autocrat." But the "Union of Liberation" still considered it necessary to push the tsar to take this step by creating an appropriate public opinion in the country. Describing the future editor of the illegal magazine Osvobozhdeniye, a member of the illegal Union of Osvobozhdeniye, P. B. Struve, V. I. Lenin wrote as early as 1901: "He is a fan of peaceful, gradual, strictly legal development. On the other hand, he wholeheartedly rebels against the autocracy and longs for political freedom."2The intensity of the liberal opposition of the Osvobozhdeniye party on the eve of 1905 was comparatively high. This was shown in their participation in a joint conference with certain petty-bourgeois revolutionary parties in Paris in September and October 1904, 3 and in the organization of the vol. the organization of the banquet campaign from November 20, 1904, during which solemn banquets adopted resolutions on the introduction of bourgeois-democratic freedoms, representative institutions and the constitutio ...
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